Manifest Manna: Meditate on Psalm 8:1-2. “O Lord, Our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. V2. From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.”

Why Did King David Put Singers & Psalmists Before The Ark? David organized 4000 musicians and 288 singers to minister to God in SHIFTS that continued 24 hours a day! (1 Chr 6:31-33; 15:16-22; 23:4-6). In fact, David financially released them that they might worship and pray as their full time occupation (1 Chr 9:33; 25:7). Being full time, they had the opportunity to develop in skill and grace. David taught that God inhabits or is enthroned upon the praise of His people (Ps 22:3). He understood that the people of God upon the earth through worship would enter into SPIRITUAL AGREEMENT with the heavenly symphony of UNIFIED SOUND around the throne of God. This voluntary agreement (WORSHIP & PRAISE) is the vehicle that God ordains to release His life and power (Ps 8:1-2). He MANIFESTS Himself through the waves of our sincere worship.

Children are able to trust and praise God with little or no doubts and reservations; yet as we get older, many of us find that life’s circumstances make this a little more challenging. When we allow the enemy’s accusations and innuendos against us to become lodged in our hearts and minds, it disconnects us from experiencing the full capacity of His Presence! That’s why daily, and for some of us, HOURLY, we must root out and OPPOSE every demonic accusation with AGREEMENT. That is, we AGREE with who God Is and who WE ARE in God. This agreement is our PRAISE. It transcends and lifts us UP & OUT of selfishness and self-pity INTO His presence. Knowing this, today we can stop viewing praise as some grandiose ego boost for God. Rather we see our Worship & Praise as the weapon which silences the enemy and brings us into ORDER & AGREEMENT with God so that the whole Earth will be filled with His majestic Glory! AMEN
#SingUntotheLordaNewSong #SingersMANIFEST #DIM
Ark of the Covenant