MANIFEST MANNA: Meditate on Romans 8:26-27. “…In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. v27. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.” How grateful I am that God does not leave us to our own devises and resources to cope with daily challenges! If that were so, we’d be in a world of trouble. No matter how deep your knowledge of scripture, the extent of your education, or the gravity of your gift–without God, we can do NOTHING. Of course, we may experience a measure of success for a season, and may in fact prosper in the eyes of society. But the power of an intense, effective, passionate PRAYER LIFE is a tried and true weapon against our own imperfections and short-comings!
To be LIBERATED in our approach to prayer and intercession, we must give ourselves away completely–that is to release every inhibition and hang-up we are holding onto that might be keeping us in a state of cold, life-less prayers that repeatedly go unanswered.
Even when WE don’t know the right WORDS to pray, the SPIRIT is ever-present to help us; GROANING in prayer WITH and FOR us! The Holy Spirit cuts through the all the unnecessary garbage: explanations, excuses, eloquent statements; He zero’s in on the heart of the matter: the WILL OF GOD. Today, let God remove the responsibility we carry to ensure that we are covering all bases in our daily prayer lives. Don’t be afraid to come before Him with ALL of your quirks and imperfections! The Spirit ALREADY KNOWS. And He is fully committed to interceding according to the Will of God for your life! YOU. CAN’T. LOSE. AMEN
#dontspeakgroan #Manifest